Mouretsu Pirates Wiki
Mouretsu Pirates Wiki

Morgan (モーガン, Mōgan) is the Barbaroosa's helmsman [1].



In Abyss of Hyperspace, Morgan has blond hair, combed back with an exposed forehead and a flat chin. He wears a black, sleeveless jacket with black gloves and a blue scarf [2].

Personality & Character[]

Little is known about Morgan's personality.


Little is known about Morgan's background, other than that he joined the Barbaroosa's crew at some point in the past.


Abyss of Hyperspace[]

Morgan was present at the Barbaroosa's helm when the ship was caught in subspace turbulence, and again when the ship was acting as a booster for the Odette II [3].

Three Ships Arc (Novel-Only)[]

Morgan was present at the Barbaroosa's helm when the ship went to investigate the distress signal from the Kokuchou in the Garnet A system [4].

Skills & Abilities[]

As the Barbaroosa's helmsman, Morgan is likely skilled at flying large ships, though the exact extent of this skill is unknown.




  • Though the Barbaroosa bridge crew were shown in the anime series, they were not given distinctive designs that identified them as the novel characters until Abyss of Hyperspace.


  1. Miniskirt Pirates Volume 4, Pg.71
  2. Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace Akiman Design Works
  3. Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace
  4. Miniskirt Pirates Volume 4